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- /* PcodeStack.h */
- #ifndef Included_PcodeStack_h
- #define Included_PcodeStack_h
- /* PcodeStack module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* these are the various things you can have on the stack */
- typedef enum
- {
- esScalar EXECUTE(= -18351),
- esArray,
- esReturnAddress
- } StackTypes;
- struct StackElement;
- typedef struct StackElement StackElement;
- /* this record is one entry in the stack */
- /* this is public for those who need to quickly access stack elements */
- typedef struct
- {
- /* reference counting suggested by Abe Megahed */
- void* Array;
- long RefCount;
- } ArrayHandleType;
- struct StackElement
- {
- union StackThangPlace
- {
- long Integer;
- float Float;
- double Double;
- ArrayHandleType* ArrayHandle;
- struct
- {
- union OpcodeRec* Procedure;
- long Index;
- } ReturnAddress;
- } Data;
- StackTypes ElementType;
- /* the padding assumes that it won't add up to 16 bytes. On the Macintosh, */
- /* double is either 8 or 12 bytes and enums are 2 bytes --> 14 bytes, which */
- /* makes padding 2 bytes. On most systems where enums are 4 bytes, doubles */
- /* are 8 bytes --> 12 bytes, which makes padding 4 bytes. We may run into */
- /* trouble on systems with 8-byte pointers, which will make ReturnAddress */
- /* 12 bytes and ElementType (probably) 4 bytes; if this happens, then just */
- /* delete the padding. The whole reason for padding the structure out to 16 */
- /* bytes is to encourage compilers to do strength reduction on array accesses */
- /* to the stack. */
- char Padding[16 - (sizeof(union StackThangPlace) + sizeof(StackTypes))];
- };
- #endif
- struct ParamStackRec;
- typedef struct ParamStackRec ParamStackRec;
- /* create a list of parameters that will lead to a function call */
- ParamStackRec* NewParamStack(void);
- /* this should be called when the parameter list is completely finished to */
- /* dispose of all arrays that might still be stored in it */
- void DisposeParamStack(ParamStackRec* Stack);
- /* this is a utility routine that disposes of an array on top of stack if it */
- /* isn't anywhere else on the stack. It's used if you are about to pop the top */
- /* element so that you don't leave orphaned arrays floating around in memory. */
- /* StackPtr is the index of the top element of the stack. */
- void DisposeIfNotOnStack(StackElement* Stack, long StackPtr);
- /* this is a utility routine to dispose of an array in the stack somewhere if it */
- /* doesn't occur in the stack anywhere else. It's used if you are about to make */
- /* an assignment to the array slot to make sure arrays get disposed of properly. */
- /* StackPtr is the index of the top element of the stack. Where is the index */
- /* of the element that is being checked. */
- void DisposeIfOnStackOnlyOnce(StackElement* Stack, long StackPtr, long Where);
- /* add a parameter to the parameter stack. If the data has to */
- /* be allocated dynamically, a copy is made. True is returned if successful. */
- MyBoolean AddIntegerToStack(ParamStackRec* Stack, long IntegerValue);
- MyBoolean AddFloatToStack(ParamStackRec* Stack, float FloatValue);
- MyBoolean AddDoubleToStack(ParamStackRec* Stack, double DoubleValue);
- /* the ACTUAL array is added, so you no longer own it after this! */
- MyBoolean AddArrayToStack(ParamStackRec* Stack, void* Array);
- /* routines for reading data from a parameter stack */
- long GetStackInteger(ParamStackRec* Stack, long Index);
- float GetStackFloat(ParamStackRec* Stack, long Index);
- double GetStackLongDouble(ParamStackRec* Stack, long Index);
- void* GetStackArray(ParamStackRec* Stack, long Index);
- /* routines for obtaining internal stuff for the stack */
- StackElement* GetStackBase(ParamStackRec* Stack);
- long GetStackInitialSize(ParamStackRec* Stack);
- long GetStackNumElements(ParamStackRec* Stack);
- /* routine for restoring changed information to stack */
- void SetStackInformation(ParamStackRec* Stack, long NewTotalSize,
- long NewNumElements, StackElement* NewStackAddress);
- #endif